Sunday, July 8, 2018


The poem on statue of liberty "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teaming shore." First we have to look at the history as homo sapiens are living around the globe from centuries and they migrate to other countries as well in modern times people migrating is known as international immigration. There are also types of migration.

People who choose to migrate voluntarily from one place to another mainly because of economic opportunities. As Ernst Georg Ravenstien says"Bad or repressive laws, Heavy taxation, an unattractive climate, uncongenial social surroundings, and even compulsion...all have produces and are still producing currents of migration, but none of these currents can compare in volume with that which arises from the desire inherent in most men to 'better' themselves in material respects." In 1840's Atlantic migration starts and around 1880 and 1910 alone around 17 million Europeans arrived in Americas. The immigrants of like this helped the U.S to cope up with there growing industry as labor and workers but by the 1930's, European immigration was severely curtailed, and asian immigration was banned outright. Many of these laws remained in effect until the 1960's, when new laws helped precipitate the wave of immigration.

But it is not always that in case if low skilled workers come to a country they tend to be poor on a average and contribute to poverty in the nation. George Borjas an economist talk about the benefit of immigration as it cause labor surplus. Labor surplus tend to increase the demand in the economy in effect to this it also increase the job opportunity as well. One of the most interesting things about the immigration surplus is that it only accounts for benefits that accrue to citizens who lived in the country before the immigrants arrive. It doesn't take into account the huge economic benefits the immigrants themselves enjoy.

An Economist name John Keenan argues that if Immigration restrictions be eliminated world wide there would be benefits like labor supply would be doubled and there would be significant economic growth and workers would see there salary jump from $8900 to $19000.


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