Saturday, July 7, 2018

Health Care

Note: This Article contains information related to Healthcare of Europe and U.S basically.

Health care is a different market as part of economics than all other markets. If somebody is injured during some activity and the recovery services are expenses then it is usually paid by health insurance. Health insurance are of two types now first is private health insurance which is paid by its members or we can say individuals in the form of premiums second is the public heath benefits which is provided by the government by the taxes you pay although people pay it indirectly, but for private insurance individuals pay it directly.

For e.g in Canada it is a single payer system in which the hospital is a private business but get paid by the government although Canadians pay the bill for subscription,medicines,glasses etc. Now in France the government healthcare makes mandatory for citizens to take medical health insurance. In Britain their is a socialized heath care system in which doctors are payed through taxes by the people.
In U.S the hospitals are the private firms and medical insurance prevails in it although there is part for public welfare for poor and senior citizens and Britain like social healthcare system for veterans.

Economists evaluate the effectiveness for a healthcare system on three basis Access,Cost and quality.
On the cost basis on healthcare the U.S is number one. In 2012, the U.S on average spent $8,745 per person on the healthcare. Other rich countries like Switzerland and Norway spent a little over $6,000, and countries like Germany, France, the U.K, and Japan spent in the $3-5,000 Range. U.S is spending a large part of there G.D.P in just medical care the amount can be of some other countries whole G.D.P. There are a lot of theories based on this like quantity for example people are taking a lot of unnecessary tests and other stuff then the other is cost like MRI tests in U.S are costing 2-3 times more then the average cost in many of the other countries, another is admin cost which has a main role in high cost of healthcare in U.S administration costs are high because of no uniform code of conduct in administration hence contributing to high cost of healthcare in the U.S.


The Iron triangle in U.S work towards the policy making it is a systematic relation between Congressman, Bureaucrats and lobbyists and it had created a new act which is Obamacare it is not like a socialist health care system like that of U.K. Instead, the affordable care act tries to increase health coverage by requiring private health insurers to insure everyone who applies,charge the the same premiums to the people of the same age, and cover preexisting conditions. It also gives subsidy to the people who cant afford to have a health insurance.             

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