Tuesday, July 31, 2018



Today we live in the society where 'Automation' is growing as the trend of the Era. Robots and their uses are becoming more and more common there are possibilities that on day going out in hotels means being greeted by the robotic host going to hospital means treated by a robotic medical nurse and going to shop means buying things from a robot cashier whether we like it or not. Robots have been on the planet from ancient and medieval times but they were mechanical and limited in there work but now robots can do a lot much work thanks to coding,software and the invention of electricity although less Eco-friendly and causing increase in unemployment.

Meaning of a robot

 Most of the people in modern day era can recognize a robot but can not define it. The IFR(International Federation of Robots) had organised the robots in two main categories one is Industrial robot and the other are service robots. Industrial robots are the ones that came into use in industries and factories and service robots are being used for service purposes. But we can not define every autonomous thing as a robot we have to filter our thoughts about it the things we can turn on and off are robots and they have no further directions.

Types of robots

Robots can be classified on many basis as per the guidelines of many organisations for convience robots can be categorized based on their classifications here:

Production robots

These robots are mainly use at factory level such as industrial,military,medical and service sectors. Example of production robots are include robots in automobile assembely lines, military drones, the Da Vinci surgical robot, and service robots in hotels and hospitals.

Domestic or house held robots

There are many kind of robots in this catagory like iRobots Roomba 980, and braava jet 240 and Robotic lawn mower etc.

Other robots

Various other robots that are out of category of production and domestic robots such as Mars rover that explores other worlds like Mars,Moon etc. the toy robots and robots created as project for school and colleges also comes in this category.


As robots take care of our more intimate needs, such as personal care giving,human to robot and robot to human interactions will become a central focus of study and philosophical discussion. Much is the concern are the trust issues and acceptability for the robots. As technology advances the safety should be insured that it would not cause harm to the Humans in any way as due to technology if God wills the future for robots and robotics is unlimited.

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