Thursday, July 19, 2018

Biodiesel: The eco friendly alternative to Diesel

Just imagine a oil that is just been used to cook food and which just help to make a delicious food is now is just a nasty goop what can a person do with it, a person would usually through it in the drain but this process has a flaw and that is it can clog not only our drain but the entire sewage system. Many places have laws for proper disposal of it, but rather than proper disposal of it it we can do something useful and that is the production of biodiesel with it.

We have probably heard or we can say that most of us have heard of diesel engines that is the fuel that powers all our vehicle's for e.g- cars and truck's, but the diesel is derived from crude oil or we can say petrolium. But petrolium is built from fossil fuel of dead plants and animals hundered of thousands years ago and is a non-renewable resource, But biodiesel which is a renewable resource can be made from recently dead plants and animals, the plants oil and animal fats can be burned in car engines to produce energy it is a bio version of diesel and is biodegradable. It is cleaner than normal diesel so there is a demand to create it from the soya crops but it has a lot of opposition but still we have it through waste oil.

So to help in creation of biodiesel we can donate the excess of waste oil to organisation related to generation of biodiesel and in some places the city or rural Department took away the waste oil from restaurants and hotels. Waste oil could easily be converted to bio diesel using few scientific methods and there is a lot of efficiency and scope in it if the waste oil that only the New Yorkers throw would be taken as a aeroplane fuel it can be used in few hundered flights from New York to L.A. And using waste oil as fuel rather than burning fossil fuel could help a lot to deteriorating eco system to not deteriorate more, recycling old cooking grees can turn goop into good, contributing a little by all the individuals can make cleaner cities, clean environment, and sustainable energy source.

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