Tuesday, July 24, 2018

AI (Artificial Intelligence)

Artificial intelligence is said to be the pennacle of the age of machines. The industrial age witnessed the developement of machines that relieved humans from doing heavy physical work. In what is called a second machines age, humans are now biengs relieved of doing the mental work as well. This article takes a wide look at all its possibilities in the future.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is made up of two words - Artificial and Intelligence. AI is "the science and engineering of making intelligent machines, perticualrly intellectual computer programs."
AI can turn a computer to self functioning and software's that can think, quite like the human biengs can think. Researchers are making system that can react to human biengs, identify there speech and react with them.

The growth and developement was desired to bring intelligence in machines which is similar to human biengs or can be more than it. British mathematician Alan Mathison Turing, known as the father of Ai, pridectedin 1950s that coming days in future the machines would develop to such a extent that they would think like human or have ability to more then that.

AIs two basic goals -

Creating expert systems: Systems that exhibit intelligent behaviour and can study, reveal, describe and advise its users.

Implementing human intelligence in machines: To make systems that comprehend, think, study and act like human biengs.

Interesting facts about AI 

• AI can repair itself - A AI robot may not know what is broken but it can observe the decrease in level of functioning and could make necessary arrangements to counter.

• AI can write - Data is captured from seismographs is used by a computer to write an article, which then turns it into figures and plugs those figures into a beautiful story. It takes graphs and turn that into well written reports.

Limitations of AI 

1. The cost involved in its protection and maintainence.

2. Fear of robots overruling humans. We, humans, should be the masters of machines. But if something goes wrong, could clever machines could turn out to be smarter than us.

3. If robots begin to subsitute human biengs in every field, it ultimately led to an unemployment.

4. If the controls of machines goes in wrong hand, it may cause havoc.

5. Over dependence on machines, there would be a lose in mental capabilities.

AI Tools

Companies like Google, Facebook and Amazon are investing a lot in there research and developement divisions just to check out the full potential of the AI systems.

1 comment:

  1. AI can be used extensively in the healthcare industry. It is applicable in automated operations, predictive diagnostics, preventive interventions, precision surgery, and a host of other clinical operations.
